Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Computer Games
Mutter Museum
Have been MIA...
I haven't posted in a few weeks. July 3rd, I was finally able to visit the Mütter Museum after wanting to go for years. I went with my cousins. We took the train down to 30th Street and walked about 3 blocks or so down to 22nd Street where the Museum is located. Definitely better than driving in downtown Philadelphia traffic or looking for parking! I wish I had pictures, but photography is not allowed inside the museum. It is a medical oddities museum. They had Siamese twin skeletons, babies with birth defects in jars from the 1800 & 1900's. A full wall of skulls from people that passed from different diseases. They had animal brains in jars, rats, ferrets, cats, dogs, etc. Any organ you can imagine. The world's tallest man skeleton, a dwarf skeleton. Human leather... some of the stuff makes you go "Ew!" or "Wow!" but it's a really interesting museum. My mom & brother want to go some time so I will definitely be going back!
About 4 more months until I am off to the Philippines. I can't believe it's already July! In September I have to apply for my visitor's visa from the Philippine Consulate in New York. I am still making copies of everything for our immigration process next year. It's slow but I'm getting there!
Sugar's two tumors are growing very large. She has one under her right armpit and another near her right back leg on her tummy. She is still able to get around but I've had to learn to pick her up differently now by supporting her bottom in my hand when holding her instead of picking her up around her waist. A few years ago I bought a carrot shaped calcium chew for the rats but no one would touch it. Then Spice developed a mammary tumor and she would chew and chew on the calcium chew. After Spice passed no one touched it again. Until Sugar developed her tumors... I am thinking with the tumors sucking nutrients from her body she needs the extra calcium and vitamins. I've been buying her calcium chews at the pet store. (Never salt chews! Salt is bad for rats as it can dehydrate them quickly.) She really loves these ice cream shaped ones.
I discovered Pet Discounters through a Yahoo Search. Their prices are unbelievable! I pay $5.99 at Petco for Sugar's calcium chews. For some of my girls other treats I pay $3.99-$4.99 each. I bought 9 items at Pet Discounters and only paid $30 including shipping! I would have spent $50+ for the those same items at the regular pet store. Fast shipping too! Everything arrived this morning and I ordered on Monday!
What else have I been up too? I finally caved and purchased The Sims 3 during my mini vacation from work. (Love The Sims!) Thought it might be a bit much for my 3 year old PC. But it runs really well actually on my 2.0GHz Duel Core Duo processor, 2GB of RAM, 256MB video card PC. (Even with the graphics set to medium & high on some options!) The biggest issue I have with my laptop is space. I only have a 87GB or so hard drive. (Originally 100GB but system hardware & Windows XP take up some of that space.) I have about 23GB left. I uninstalled some other programs, but I do still have The Sims 2 and all it's expansions, plus 2 stuff packs installed. I want to get an external hard drive at some point.
Actually, at some point down the road I want a whole new laptop from Dell. I asked F.B. when we're married if we get a new laptop can I have it and I'll give him this one, haha! He said since he likes older games my laptop would run his games perfectly with my specs so he would love mine. I really want a higher 2.0GHz processor. Probably Core Duo 2. (It's the fastest processor for a laptop.) Windows 7, 4GB of RAM would be nice and a 512MB video card! A bigger hard drive too. Anything from 200 to 500GB. Sigh.... Haha!

About 4 more months until I am off to the Philippines. I can't believe it's already July! In September I have to apply for my visitor's visa from the Philippine Consulate in New York. I am still making copies of everything for our immigration process next year. It's slow but I'm getting there!
Sugar's two tumors are growing very large. She has one under her right armpit and another near her right back leg on her tummy. She is still able to get around but I've had to learn to pick her up differently now by supporting her bottom in my hand when holding her instead of picking her up around her waist. A few years ago I bought a carrot shaped calcium chew for the rats but no one would touch it. Then Spice developed a mammary tumor and she would chew and chew on the calcium chew. After Spice passed no one touched it again. Until Sugar developed her tumors... I am thinking with the tumors sucking nutrients from her body she needs the extra calcium and vitamins. I've been buying her calcium chews at the pet store. (Never salt chews! Salt is bad for rats as it can dehydrate them quickly.) She really loves these ice cream shaped ones.
I discovered Pet Discounters through a Yahoo Search. Their prices are unbelievable! I pay $5.99 at Petco for Sugar's calcium chews. For some of my girls other treats I pay $3.99-$4.99 each. I bought 9 items at Pet Discounters and only paid $30 including shipping! I would have spent $50+ for the those same items at the regular pet store. Fast shipping too! Everything arrived this morning and I ordered on Monday!
What else have I been up too? I finally caved and purchased The Sims 3 during my mini vacation from work. (Love The Sims!) Thought it might be a bit much for my 3 year old PC. But it runs really well actually on my 2.0GHz Duel Core Duo processor, 2GB of RAM, 256MB video card PC. (Even with the graphics set to medium & high on some options!) The biggest issue I have with my laptop is space. I only have a 87GB or so hard drive. (Originally 100GB but system hardware & Windows XP take up some of that space.) I have about 23GB left. I uninstalled some other programs, but I do still have The Sims 2 and all it's expansions, plus 2 stuff packs installed. I want to get an external hard drive at some point.
Actually, at some point down the road I want a whole new laptop from Dell. I asked F.B. when we're married if we get a new laptop can I have it and I'll give him this one, haha! He said since he likes older games my laptop would run his games perfectly with my specs so he would love mine. I really want a higher 2.0GHz processor. Probably Core Duo 2. (It's the fastest processor for a laptop.) Windows 7, 4GB of RAM would be nice and a 512MB video card! A bigger hard drive too. Anything from 200 to 500GB. Sigh.... Haha!
11:58:00 AM
1 comment
Long Distance Relationships
Places to go, things to do!
Wednesday starts my mini vacation. I have Thursday off. And Friday is our holiday at work since July 4th falls on a Saturday this year. And I'm also taking Monday off. So at least I won't have to go back to work until July 7th! Yay for vacations from work even if it's only a few days!
Monday I will be going into work late as well. Sugar had a vet appointment at 9:20am to deal with her recurring abscesses in her arm and also this blood blister thing. Poor Girl. Sugar now has 2 tumors. One on her belly near her right back leg which is growing very rapidly. And another under her right front arm. Sugar is too old to get them removed and I don't want to put her through the surgery. (She will be 2 years in October.) I just hope they don't grow anymore. At the moment she can still get around and comes running for treats.
I have a list of places I want to go to this year or next year. If I ever have the time or money to get around to everything. I know when F.B. moves to the USA we will be going to lot's of tourist places, there's definitely not a lack of that in Philadelphia!
Here is my list:
Mutter Museum
Academy of Natural Sciences
Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Glen Cairn Museum (Same grounds at Byrn Athyn)
Ryerss Museum
Philadelphia Zoo
Dorney Park
I would love to be able to go to the Mutter Museum sometime on my vacation. I've been wanting to go there for years. It's just a few blocks from 30th Street Station so I could take the train there and walk. Philadelphia Zoo & Dorney Park are way down on my list because of the admission costs. Though Dorney does have discounted days in September so maybe I will go then.

Monday I will be going into work late as well. Sugar had a vet appointment at 9:20am to deal with her recurring abscesses in her arm and also this blood blister thing. Poor Girl. Sugar now has 2 tumors. One on her belly near her right back leg which is growing very rapidly. And another under her right front arm. Sugar is too old to get them removed and I don't want to put her through the surgery. (She will be 2 years in October.) I just hope they don't grow anymore. At the moment she can still get around and comes running for treats.
I have a list of places I want to go to this year or next year. If I ever have the time or money to get around to everything. I know when F.B. moves to the USA we will be going to lot's of tourist places, there's definitely not a lack of that in Philadelphia!
Here is my list:
Mutter Museum
Academy of Natural Sciences
Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Glen Cairn Museum (Same grounds at Byrn Athyn)
Ryerss Museum
Philadelphia Zoo
Dorney Park
I would love to be able to go to the Mutter Museum sometime on my vacation. I've been wanting to go there for years. It's just a few blocks from 30th Street Station so I could take the train there and walk. Philadelphia Zoo & Dorney Park are way down on my list because of the admission costs. Though Dorney does have discounted days in September so maybe I will go then.
8:17:00 PM
Long Distance Relationships

I bought my plane ticket on Orbitz this afternoon. I've been researching plane tickets for a few weeks now. The prices are not bad but the flight I've always taken the delay when I get back to Chicago is only 1 hour and that's not enough time to claim my luggage, go through customs, take a tram train to my terminal, go through security and make my plane. Last time I was stopped at customs and one year my luggage was lost and never made my flight because they don't give you enough time.
I was really looking for a longer delay when I get back to the USA. So I found a flight that gives me a 4 hour delay when I arrive in Chicago. That is more than enough time. The only thing is I will be stopping at 2 airports I've never been to before. 1 in Tokyo Japan on the way there. And then Shanghai China on the way back. But I still get to go from Philadelphia to Chicago. The other good thing is, when I leave the Philippines I'm leaving in the afternoon instead of in the middle of the night. And I'm also leaving through Philippine Airlines which means I get to go to the smaller airport and will have more time to say goodbye to F.B. When I arrive in Manila, I'll be at the larger international airport and I'll be taking Japan Airlines. I've never flown Japan Airlines before. I'll also be using American Airlines. I've always used United Airlines, but I did take American to Florida 2 years ago.
There were only 4 tickets left for the flight I wanted. And I wanted to think it over before buying it. I saw the ticket on Thursday night. I slept on it. The reason mostly because we haven't been having overtime at work and I still have $800 on my other credit card that I wanted to get lower before buying a ticket and adding $1,200 to another credit card. (at least it's 0% apr for a year!) But this morning when I woke up I was thinking, "Next month is May!" I can't believe how the year is flying. And I will still need to apply for my visa this year too. So this afternoon I bought my ticket and I will be heading back to the Philippines in late November.
Leave Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Depart: American Airlines, 6:15am Philadelphia International (PHL)
Arrive: 7:45am Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Change planes. Time between flights: 1hr 35min
Depart: American Airlines, 11:05am Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Arrive: 3:15pm Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Narita (NRT)
Change planes. Time between flights: 3hr 5min
Depart: Japan Airlines, 6:30pm Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Narita (NRT)
Arrive: 10:30pm Manila, Philippines Manila Ninoy Aquino Intl (MNL)
This is an overnight flight. Total duration: 25hr 25min | Total miles: 8837 miles
Return Saturday, January 23, 2010
Depart: Philippine Airlines 12:20pm Philippines, Manila Ninoy Aquino Intl (MNL)
Arrive: 3:50pm Shanghai, China Shanghai PuDong (PVG)
Change planes. Time between flights: 2hr 10min
Depart: American Airlines 6:00pm Shanghai, China Shanghai PuDong (PVG)
Arrive: 5:10pm Chicago, IL Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Change planes. Time between flights: 4hr 5min
Depart: American Airlines 9:15pm Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Arrive: 12:10am Philadelphia International (PHL)
This is an overnight flight. Total duration: 24hr 44min | Total miles: 8889 miles
The only thing is, I'm leaving a few days before Thanksgiving. I will also miss Christmas & New Years at home this year. I guess I will have to do an early "Thanksgiving/Christmas" with my family like I did in 2006 before my first trip to the Philippines. This will be by 4th trip to the Philippines.
Once I arrive in November, F.B. & I will go to the US Embassy so I can get my Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage. Then we can apply for our marriage license and after a 10 day waiting period we can make an appointment with a judge in Cainta, Rizal to have our civil wedding ceremony. Then we were going to just have a dinner afterwards. F.B. said his parents were talking about giving us a "reception" most likely a dinner party. I know they will invite all the relatives, hehe.
NOTE: If you are getting married in the Philippines and you are a US citizen these requirements from the US Embassy in Manila Philippines, will be helpful: Getting Married in The Philippines.
When I get back from the Philippines in January, I'll be starting the immigration process for F.B. with our lawyer. The process will take close to 2 years before F.B. will be able to come to the USA. But we are doing it the longer way so when he does arrive in the USA, he will be a permanent resident alien. We are choosing do to it this way because we want more time to save money for when we are together. Also, even though it will take longer it will actually save us money in the long run.
So now that I've gotten my plane ticket, the next step will be to apply for my 59 day visa in September from the Philippine Consulate. Now to start paying this plane ticket off...
Back to the Philippines in November!

I bought my plane ticket on Orbitz this afternoon. I've been researching plane tickets for a few weeks now. The prices are not bad but the flight I've always taken the delay when I get back to Chicago is only 1 hour and that's not enough time to claim my luggage, go through customs, take a tram train to my terminal, go through security and make my plane. Last time I was stopped at customs and one year my luggage was lost and never made my flight because they don't give you enough time.
I was really looking for a longer delay when I get back to the USA. So I found a flight that gives me a 4 hour delay when I arrive in Chicago. That is more than enough time. The only thing is I will be stopping at 2 airports I've never been to before. 1 in Tokyo Japan on the way there. And then Shanghai China on the way back. But I still get to go from Philadelphia to Chicago. The other good thing is, when I leave the Philippines I'm leaving in the afternoon instead of in the middle of the night. And I'm also leaving through Philippine Airlines which means I get to go to the smaller airport and will have more time to say goodbye to F.B. When I arrive in Manila, I'll be at the larger international airport and I'll be taking Japan Airlines. I've never flown Japan Airlines before. I'll also be using American Airlines. I've always used United Airlines, but I did take American to Florida 2 years ago.
There were only 4 tickets left for the flight I wanted. And I wanted to think it over before buying it. I saw the ticket on Thursday night. I slept on it. The reason mostly because we haven't been having overtime at work and I still have $800 on my other credit card that I wanted to get lower before buying a ticket and adding $1,200 to another credit card. (at least it's 0% apr for a year!) But this morning when I woke up I was thinking, "Next month is May!" I can't believe how the year is flying. And I will still need to apply for my visa this year too. So this afternoon I bought my ticket and I will be heading back to the Philippines in late November.
Leave Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Depart: American Airlines, 6:15am Philadelphia International (PHL)
Arrive: 7:45am Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Change planes. Time between flights: 1hr 35min
Depart: American Airlines, 11:05am Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Arrive: 3:15pm Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Narita (NRT)
Change planes. Time between flights: 3hr 5min
Depart: Japan Airlines, 6:30pm Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Narita (NRT)
Arrive: 10:30pm Manila, Philippines Manila Ninoy Aquino Intl (MNL)
This is an overnight flight. Total duration: 25hr 25min | Total miles: 8837 miles
Return Saturday, January 23, 2010
Depart: Philippine Airlines 12:20pm Philippines, Manila Ninoy Aquino Intl (MNL)
Arrive: 3:50pm Shanghai, China Shanghai PuDong (PVG)
Change planes. Time between flights: 2hr 10min
Depart: American Airlines 6:00pm Shanghai, China Shanghai PuDong (PVG)
Arrive: 5:10pm Chicago, IL Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Change planes. Time between flights: 4hr 5min
Depart: American Airlines 9:15pm Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
Arrive: 12:10am Philadelphia International (PHL)
This is an overnight flight. Total duration: 24hr 44min | Total miles: 8889 miles
The only thing is, I'm leaving a few days before Thanksgiving. I will also miss Christmas & New Years at home this year. I guess I will have to do an early "Thanksgiving/Christmas" with my family like I did in 2006 before my first trip to the Philippines. This will be by 4th trip to the Philippines.
Once I arrive in November, F.B. & I will go to the US Embassy so I can get my Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage. Then we can apply for our marriage license and after a 10 day waiting period we can make an appointment with a judge in Cainta, Rizal to have our civil wedding ceremony. Then we were going to just have a dinner afterwards. F.B. said his parents were talking about giving us a "reception" most likely a dinner party. I know they will invite all the relatives, hehe.
NOTE: If you are getting married in the Philippines and you are a US citizen these requirements from the US Embassy in Manila Philippines, will be helpful: Getting Married in The Philippines.
When I get back from the Philippines in January, I'll be starting the immigration process for F.B. with our lawyer. The process will take close to 2 years before F.B. will be able to come to the USA. But we are doing it the longer way so when he does arrive in the USA, he will be a permanent resident alien. We are choosing do to it this way because we want more time to save money for when we are together. Also, even though it will take longer it will actually save us money in the long run.
So now that I've gotten my plane ticket, the next step will be to apply for my 59 day visa in September from the Philippine Consulate. Now to start paying this plane ticket off...
1:48:00 PM
From The Philippines
Immigration Process
Phone Calls
My "Thanksgiving" in the Philippines
For my “Thanksgiving” in the Philippines, F.B. & I went out to our favorite restaurant, Gerry’s Grill. We had our favorites, veggie rice, grilled squid & lumpia (spring rolls.) I also ordered a margarita, but it tasted more like tequila than lime, haha. We shared a brownie with ice cream for dessert. We also saw the Disney movie ‘Bolt’ earlier in the day.

Later that evening at home we had a snack of KFC mashed potatoes and the Martinelli’s sparkling apple cider we got at the grocery. My family always has Martinelli’s on holidays, so I was really happy to find it in the supermarket here in the Philippines! I also got to call home around 1am. It was 12pm on Thanksgiving in the USA! The 13 hour time difference is so crazy! (Because of Daylight Saving time, spring forward is a 12 hour difference and fall back is a 13 hour difference between Philadelphia & the Philippines.)
Saturday we headed to Greenbelt in Makati City to see a play. We saw ‘A Christmas Carol’. It was the musical version of the play though; we both thought it was just okay.
Sunday there was a family reunion get together for F.B.’s father’s birthday. (A belated birthday party.) We had a buffet style lunch here at the house. (The liempo was our favorite!) F.B. & I aren’t really “party” people, so after we made an appearance we hung out in his room the rest of the afternoon. I also packed a lot of my stuff on Sunday, so Wednesday night I just have to put in last minute stuff.
Today (Monday) we headed out to SM Marikina Mall. Stopped at Watson’s drugstore to pick up some stuff I wanted to take home. Then we went to Starbucks where I picked up a gift for F.B.’s sister. (I got her a Starbucks mug, Starbucks gift certificates & a makeup bag with Clinique makeup as a thank you gift.)
After that we headed to Robinson’s Mall to stop and get some VCD’s for F.B. (Shallow Hal, A night at the museum & Kung Fu Panda.) We also stopped at the grocery to get some peanut brittle to take home for my dad and some snacks for us. We had Chow King for dinner. (Love their corn & crab soup!) After dinner we stopped at Red Ribbon bakery to pick up a blueberry cheesecake for F.B.’s parents as a thank you gift.
Tomorrow we are just staying home to relax. And Wednesday is my last full day in the Philippines. We’ll be heading to Mall of Asia for my last day. We’re going to spend the whole day there. We want to see another 3D IMAX movie and maybe a regular movie.
My flight is at 6:30am on Thursday. I think F.B. & I are just going to do an all nighter on Wednesday. We did that in January and I was able to sleep better on my 15 hour flight from Hong Kong to Chicago. All together my flight home will be 24+ hours! Not looking forward to it.
I’ve been here in the Philippines 2 months now. It’s been really nice spending so much time with F. I’m really sad to leave him… even though it will be nice to be home again too. Just wish we could be in the same place! It will be a whole year before I’ll be heading back here again.
F.B. & I will be getting married next December here in the Philippines. I’ll probably be arriving around the end of November. Once I arrive, I’ll have to get a special affidavit from the US Embassy in Manila that says I am allowed to marry. Then we will file for our marriage license and make an appointment for our civil ceremony. We really haven’t decided where we will have our honeymoon yet since our wedding isn’t even a planned date! We’ll figure everything out once I arrive next year. After we are married we'll begin the immigration paperwork with our lawyer so F.B. can come to the USA.
Here are some silly pictures from the other day. F.B. went out back to get our towels off the clothes line and his bedroom window is right there.
F’s a “Peeping Tom!” Haha!

Later that evening at home we had a snack of KFC mashed potatoes and the Martinelli’s sparkling apple cider we got at the grocery. My family always has Martinelli’s on holidays, so I was really happy to find it in the supermarket here in the Philippines! I also got to call home around 1am. It was 12pm on Thanksgiving in the USA! The 13 hour time difference is so crazy! (Because of Daylight Saving time, spring forward is a 12 hour difference and fall back is a 13 hour difference between Philadelphia & the Philippines.)
Saturday we headed to Greenbelt in Makati City to see a play. We saw ‘A Christmas Carol’. It was the musical version of the play though; we both thought it was just okay.
Sunday there was a family reunion get together for F.B.’s father’s birthday. (A belated birthday party.) We had a buffet style lunch here at the house. (The liempo was our favorite!) F.B. & I aren’t really “party” people, so after we made an appearance we hung out in his room the rest of the afternoon. I also packed a lot of my stuff on Sunday, so Wednesday night I just have to put in last minute stuff.
Today (Monday) we headed out to SM Marikina Mall. Stopped at Watson’s drugstore to pick up some stuff I wanted to take home. Then we went to Starbucks where I picked up a gift for F.B.’s sister. (I got her a Starbucks mug, Starbucks gift certificates & a makeup bag with Clinique makeup as a thank you gift.)
After that we headed to Robinson’s Mall to stop and get some VCD’s for F.B. (Shallow Hal, A night at the museum & Kung Fu Panda.) We also stopped at the grocery to get some peanut brittle to take home for my dad and some snacks for us. We had Chow King for dinner. (Love their corn & crab soup!) After dinner we stopped at Red Ribbon bakery to pick up a blueberry cheesecake for F.B.’s parents as a thank you gift.
Tomorrow we are just staying home to relax. And Wednesday is my last full day in the Philippines. We’ll be heading to Mall of Asia for my last day. We’re going to spend the whole day there. We want to see another 3D IMAX movie and maybe a regular movie.
My flight is at 6:30am on Thursday. I think F.B. & I are just going to do an all nighter on Wednesday. We did that in January and I was able to sleep better on my 15 hour flight from Hong Kong to Chicago. All together my flight home will be 24+ hours! Not looking forward to it.
I’ve been here in the Philippines 2 months now. It’s been really nice spending so much time with F. I’m really sad to leave him… even though it will be nice to be home again too. Just wish we could be in the same place! It will be a whole year before I’ll be heading back here again.
F.B. & I will be getting married next December here in the Philippines. I’ll probably be arriving around the end of November. Once I arrive, I’ll have to get a special affidavit from the US Embassy in Manila that says I am allowed to marry. Then we will file for our marriage license and make an appointment for our civil ceremony. We really haven’t decided where we will have our honeymoon yet since our wedding isn’t even a planned date! We’ll figure everything out once I arrive next year. After we are married we'll begin the immigration paperwork with our lawyer so F.B. can come to the USA.
Here are some silly pictures from the other day. F.B. went out back to get our towels off the clothes line and his bedroom window is right there.
F’s a “Peeping Tom!” Haha!
2:56:00 AM
From The Philippines
Ark Avilon Zoo- Philippines
F.B. and I went to the Ark Avilon Zoo this evening. It's shaped like a giant "Noah's Ark". We tried to go on Wednesday but it was really crowded with lots of school children on field trips. So we went after church tonight around 7pm (near closing time) so it was nice and quiet and we pretty much had the zoo to ourselves. This zoo was much better than the Manila zoo. The animals look better cared for and were friendly.
We saw a lot of big cats, though the lions, leopards & jaguars were pretty sleepy. The tigers were really active. I got a video of one of the tigers stalking and slapping the other one. They were really playing around and chasing each other!
I’ll have to upload all of the videos I’ve been taking this trip to photobucket or youtube when I go home. F.B. just has dial up internet at his house so it's impossible to upload videos. It takes awhile to upload the photos.
Here are some pictures from the zoo:

The donkey loved me. He either wanted me to pet him or give him a treat, but I didn’t know if he’d bite.

Lot’s of different birds. (Even saw some turkeys, they should be very thankful there's no thanksgiving in the Philippines!)

Some fish:

I was really excited the zoo had rats & mice! I’ve never heard of Siberian Husky Rats. They were really cute though.

The mice were little hams. I have a video of them standing up and sniffing the glass. They seemed extra friendly. Usually mice are pretty hyper!

I was even more excited because they had 2 rat statues up front!

There was also this funny little petting & feeding area. They had rabbits, guinea pigs & chickens all together in the same pen! They were even getting along, just hanging out with each other! So crazy, never seen anything like that before, I got video of that too.

F.B. & I at the zoo:

Afterwards F.B. & I went to the supermarket and then we had dinner at Chow King (and of course Starbucks afterwards, we're addicted!) Next week we are going out for my “Thanksgiving”, and probably seeing a movie too.
We saw a lot of big cats, though the lions, leopards & jaguars were pretty sleepy. The tigers were really active. I got a video of one of the tigers stalking and slapping the other one. They were really playing around and chasing each other!
I’ll have to upload all of the videos I’ve been taking this trip to photobucket or youtube when I go home. F.B. just has dial up internet at his house so it's impossible to upload videos. It takes awhile to upload the photos.
Here are some pictures from the zoo:

The donkey loved me. He either wanted me to pet him or give him a treat, but I didn’t know if he’d bite.

Lot’s of different birds. (Even saw some turkeys, they should be very thankful there's no thanksgiving in the Philippines!)

Some fish:

I was really excited the zoo had rats & mice! I’ve never heard of Siberian Husky Rats. They were really cute though.

The mice were little hams. I have a video of them standing up and sniffing the glass. They seemed extra friendly. Usually mice are pretty hyper!

I was even more excited because they had 2 rat statues up front!

There was also this funny little petting & feeding area. They had rabbits, guinea pigs & chickens all together in the same pen! They were even getting along, just hanging out with each other! So crazy, never seen anything like that before, I got video of that too.

F.B. & I at the zoo:

Afterwards F.B. & I went to the supermarket and then we had dinner at Chow King (and of course Starbucks afterwards, we're addicted!) Next week we are going out for my “Thanksgiving”, and probably seeing a movie too.
11:26:00 AM
From The Philippines
Baguio City Trip *Updated*
I’ve been in the Philippines 6 weeks now. Saturday night we left for Baguio. November 16th was F.B.’s Dad’s birthday and the whole family went to Baguio for his birthday. F’s parents, his sister & her boyfriend and F and I. F.B.’s father paid for the whole trip, which was very nice.
We left the house around 10pm Saturday night. We rode tricycles to the front gate of F.B.’s village where we could get a taxi cab. In the Philippines another form of transportation is the tricycle. It’s basically a motorcycle with a metal covered sidecar. (I’ll have to get a picture of one!) F.B. & I rode in the covered part and F.B.’s parents on the back of the motorcycle behind the driver. Pretty crazy!
UPDATED: Here's some pictures of the tricycle:

We got a cab at the front gate to the bus station. F.B.’s sister & boyfriend followed us to the bus station. There was a lot of traffic getting to the station though. Our bus left for Baguio at 12am. It was a 4 hour nonstop drive. F.B. & I watched movies on my ipod and listened to music, we couldn’t sleep. The type of bus we were on was like a Greyhound bus. I’ve never taken a travel bus before in the USA but they sure drive crazy in the Philippines! Picture speeding down a narrow mountain road with lot’s of sharp turns with the bus driver driving in whatever lane he pleased. At some points you would see headlights coming at you and the bus driver would change lanes.
We got to Baguio around 5am. It’s much colder up there since it's way up in the mountains. (Still no snow though, haha!) We had to put on our jackets and hoodies. We took a taxi to a local church. The service was in another Philippine dialect though. There were a lot of birds flying around up near the ceilings of the church because it was an open church. One landed on a pew close to us.
After church we went to breakfast. Here are some pictures of F.B. & I at breakfast; you can see we are all bundled up because it was cold.

It was about 7am when we finished breakfast and raining lightly. We took pictures back in front of the church, with F.B.'s sister & boyfriend. (The church was pink!)
Some flowers that were outside the church:

We took a Jeepney for a little while (My first ride in a jeepeney!) and then a Taxi to Camp John Hay, where we had Starbucks! Whoo Hoo! (We really needed the caffiene!)

F.B.’s aunt met us at the Starbucks and then we went to Mines View Park. The view deck for the mountain was pretty crazy though, there’s just a wooden fence protecting you from falling to your death down the mountain side. F.B. & I stayed back from the edge, we were pretty high up.
Some pictures of the mountains & trees, etc:

There was a girl on the view deck that was wearing the exact same hoodie I had with me. The one F.B. bought me at Mall of Asia with the skulls and stars. I thought that was pretty funny, I had just taken my hoodie off before we got to the view deck. (It would have been really funny, if I had been wearing the hoodie, since I was standing right next to her on the view deck!)
I was stalking her here... shhhh....
Some horses up on the mountain in Baguio. One had a "pink" mane!

I saw a lot of these corn on a stick stalls... I thought they were interesting.

F.B. and I walked around to look at all the handmade souvenirs. I got some gifts for my family and F.B. bought me a mini jug that said 'Baguio'.

We also saw uhhhhh these interesting wooden… er... well... I’m sure you can guess what they are! We saw key chains of them and everything! Don’t ask me why!?

Afterwards we went to see the summer vacation home of the Philippine president.

F.B. really liked the Santa décor.

Then we headed to SM Mall of Baguio for awhile and had lunch buffet afterwards. F.B. & I were starting to feel really sleepy by the afternoon since we had been up 24+ hours. We drove around and saw a few more more sights before heading back to the bus station around 5pm. We had a 6 hour bus ride back. The ride back was longer because we had stops. Tried to sleep some on they way back, I could hardly keep my eyes open.
We got back to the bus station around 11pm and got back to F’s house around 12am. So altogether F.B. & I were up almost 36 hours! A very long day, when we got home we got showered up and went right to bed.
This week we might visit another zoo and go to Trinoma mall. Next week is Thanksgiving in the USA, and F & I are going out to Gerry’s Grill for my “Thanksgiving.” And November 29th we are going to see a play in Greenbelt. ‘A Christmas Carol’.
11-19-08: We went to Trinoma Mall today. Saw the movie 'Passengers' with Anne Hathaway. We also picked up some Martinelli's sparkling apple cider for my "Thanksgiving" in the Philippines next week. That's something my family always has on holidays, so was very excited to see it in the Philippines!
Saw a frog tonight. He was in the garage hiding behind a plant pot. F.B. moved the pot out of the way so I could get pictures of him. He's got some dust & hair on him though, haha. I didn't touch him... wasn't sure if he might be poisonous!

We left the house around 10pm Saturday night. We rode tricycles to the front gate of F.B.’s village where we could get a taxi cab. In the Philippines another form of transportation is the tricycle. It’s basically a motorcycle with a metal covered sidecar. (I’ll have to get a picture of one!) F.B. & I rode in the covered part and F.B.’s parents on the back of the motorcycle behind the driver. Pretty crazy!
UPDATED: Here's some pictures of the tricycle:

We got a cab at the front gate to the bus station. F.B.’s sister & boyfriend followed us to the bus station. There was a lot of traffic getting to the station though. Our bus left for Baguio at 12am. It was a 4 hour nonstop drive. F.B. & I watched movies on my ipod and listened to music, we couldn’t sleep. The type of bus we were on was like a Greyhound bus. I’ve never taken a travel bus before in the USA but they sure drive crazy in the Philippines! Picture speeding down a narrow mountain road with lot’s of sharp turns with the bus driver driving in whatever lane he pleased. At some points you would see headlights coming at you and the bus driver would change lanes.
We got to Baguio around 5am. It’s much colder up there since it's way up in the mountains. (Still no snow though, haha!) We had to put on our jackets and hoodies. We took a taxi to a local church. The service was in another Philippine dialect though. There were a lot of birds flying around up near the ceilings of the church because it was an open church. One landed on a pew close to us.
After church we went to breakfast. Here are some pictures of F.B. & I at breakfast; you can see we are all bundled up because it was cold.
It was about 7am when we finished breakfast and raining lightly. We took pictures back in front of the church, with F.B.'s sister & boyfriend. (The church was pink!)
Some flowers that were outside the church:

We took a Jeepney for a little while (My first ride in a jeepeney!) and then a Taxi to Camp John Hay, where we had Starbucks! Whoo Hoo! (We really needed the caffiene!)
F.B.’s aunt met us at the Starbucks and then we went to Mines View Park. The view deck for the mountain was pretty crazy though, there’s just a wooden fence protecting you from falling to your death down the mountain side. F.B. & I stayed back from the edge, we were pretty high up.
Some pictures of the mountains & trees, etc:
There was a girl on the view deck that was wearing the exact same hoodie I had with me. The one F.B. bought me at Mall of Asia with the skulls and stars. I thought that was pretty funny, I had just taken my hoodie off before we got to the view deck. (It would have been really funny, if I had been wearing the hoodie, since I was standing right next to her on the view deck!)
I was stalking her here... shhhh....
Some horses up on the mountain in Baguio. One had a "pink" mane!
I saw a lot of these corn on a stick stalls... I thought they were interesting.
F.B. and I walked around to look at all the handmade souvenirs. I got some gifts for my family and F.B. bought me a mini jug that said 'Baguio'.

We also saw uhhhhh these interesting wooden… er... well... I’m sure you can guess what they are! We saw key chains of them and everything! Don’t ask me why!?

Afterwards we went to see the summer vacation home of the Philippine president.
F.B. really liked the Santa décor.

Then we headed to SM Mall of Baguio for awhile and had lunch buffet afterwards. F.B. & I were starting to feel really sleepy by the afternoon since we had been up 24+ hours. We drove around and saw a few more more sights before heading back to the bus station around 5pm. We had a 6 hour bus ride back. The ride back was longer because we had stops. Tried to sleep some on they way back, I could hardly keep my eyes open.
We got back to the bus station around 11pm and got back to F’s house around 12am. So altogether F.B. & I were up almost 36 hours! A very long day, when we got home we got showered up and went right to bed.
This week we might visit another zoo and go to Trinoma mall. Next week is Thanksgiving in the USA, and F & I are going out to Gerry’s Grill for my “Thanksgiving.” And November 29th we are going to see a play in Greenbelt. ‘A Christmas Carol’.
11-19-08: We went to Trinoma Mall today. Saw the movie 'Passengers' with Anne Hathaway. We also picked up some Martinelli's sparkling apple cider for my "Thanksgiving" in the Philippines next week. That's something my family always has on holidays, so was very excited to see it in the Philippines!
Saw a frog tonight. He was in the garage hiding behind a plant pot. F.B. moved the pot out of the way so I could get pictures of him. He's got some dust & hair on him though, haha. I didn't touch him... wasn't sure if he might be poisonous!
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