Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Hey there, blogging world. Thought I would check in and say hello. And remind you all, I'm most active on Instagram these days. And if you're not on Instagram, I do share posts over to Twitter, so you can interact with me over there too. :)

As for life, I'm still obsessed with nail polish, true crime everything, (follow me on goodreads)... and my new favorite obsession. Tea! (Particularly DavidsTea & Teavana!)

We also added two new boy ratties to the family in January. (Check out my Pet Rats page). Some photos of the current gang below. Ruby, Ben, Waffles, Chester, & Dobby.

Waffles & I.

I'm still not doing any sponsored nail polish or product reviews. Now days I only show off a nail polish (or nail art) when I actually wear it. It's a much more laid back, and genuinely fun and stress free approach, compared to when I was blogging constantly. I still post all my nail photos to Instagram, & Pinterest.

33 has always been my favorite number. And so far year 33 of life for me has been really interesting, so far. I got to visit the Lizzie Borden House, (best adventure ever!) I got to visit my cousin Chrissy in Georgia! I started writing again, (albeit; intermittently), on a book I've been working on for a good ten years! (You can take a peek at the first 3 chapters here). Hopefully the rest of my year 33 is just as good as the first half was.

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A Break Up.

Note: I am not currently accepting any products for review or advertisement. Emails for such solicitations will be ignored.

After 4 years in the nail blogging world. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly....

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