In May, Jasper started having health problems due to his age. What we thought was a minor sprain, turned out to be hind leg degeneration. He went from limping around to not being able to use his back legs. His kidneys were failing, he kept getting fluid build up (edema) in his back legs, and constant plugs, I would have to bathe him every day or else he would be covered in pee. It's really sad when your pets get into an elderly stage. We pretty much just kept him comfortable. I would give him children's pain reliever when he needed it, we gave him baby food, and ensure to supplement his diet, we moved him to a one level cage so he could get around without hurting himself.
June 1st was like every other morning. I got up for work, and checked on Jasper, made sure he drank from his water bottle, I pet him before I left. About two hours after I was already at work my husband texted me to say Jasper passed away. He hadn't seemed any worse that morning, though he was not in perfect health. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. :( This coming week we are taking him to the vet to be cremated.
We brought Jasper and T.J. home in September 2013. Jasper was already a good 4-5 months old. I don't know his situation, but Jasper was one of their featured animal shelter rats to adopt, he came along with his own cage.
Jasper was affectionate, and curious, but he could be stand-offish. I nicknamed him my Mr. Moody. He had this thing where he would always get on my night table when I had them on the bed. He knew he wasn't allowed to be on my night table, so he would do this thing where he would sit there and squint his eyes at me as if to say, "Yeah I know I'm not supposed to be here- whatcha gonna do about it?!" It always cracked me up. :) I'm going to miss my Mr. Moody he had a lot of personality. ❤