My addiction to Fortune Cookie Soap, is actually a pretty old one. (I gave away a FCS giftcard on this blog back in the day. I may have to do that again sometime *wink*). And yes, true to their name they actually have soap shaped like fortune cookies, and you get a "fortune" in your cookie too. :-p
For my birthday in September, my cousin down in Georgia sent me some Fortune Cookie Soap goodies. I had forgotten how much I loved them. I placed an order myself shortly after. My cousin sent me soap, and a gift set of their little whipped cream body lotions. Butterbeer and Polyjuice Potion (Yay, Harry Potter!) are my favorite. I'm obsessed with those scents!
Please click below to read more!
The Polyjuice body mist above, actually isn't scented really strong. I was a bit disappointed. But I just bought their Polyjuice Potion perfume oil, so I'm going to put a few drops in the mist to make it stronger.
Polyjuice Potion smells like citrus, grapefruit, strawberries, melon, peaches and kiwi. It's a very clean fruity scent.
Butterbeer smells like amazing vanilla caramel rum, and toffee. It smells so good you wish you could eat it! I also have the bar soap in Butterbeer. My bathroom smells amazing. lol. It's hanging in the shower, in my KB Shimmer soap saver bag.
The whipped cream body butters are amazing. It actually kinda of looks like whipped cream. And the texture is very thick and fluffy. A little goes a long way. These are the 4 oz jars. The mini jars I have that came in a gift set are 2 oz.
Errr... I'm just a little addicted... placed another order. ;-)
If you're lucky enough to live in or near Jenks Oklahoma, they have a retail store you can visit!
If you use my referral link here you will receive $5 off ($30 or more) your first purchase. I get 50 FCS points if you use my link. Points can be earned for coupons and free shipping. I am not affiliated with FCS. I'm just a customer. :)