Already 2 Weeks?!

F.B. & I have been so busy the past two weeks. I went back to work this past Monday.

Last Friday F.B. & I went and saw 'Gnomeo & Juliet' but we didn't like it that much. Then we headed up to Willow Grove Mall to walk around and hang out. We went to Jannie's Chinese Japanese for lunch and had sushi and young chow rice, tempura.

Saturday morning we went to my CPA to get my income taxes prepared. Then because it was still so early, we decided to take a train downtown to Center City Philadelphia and walk around 30th Street Station, see Love Park and City Hall. It was pretty cold and windy though.

Seagull sitting on bridge above Schuylkill River.
 That evening we went out to Applebee's with my cousin Jessica. And she took a picture of us to share with everyone, because we've been lazy. :-p

We picked up a Wegman's Cheesecake for my family and this amazing fruit tarte for myself.

Monday it was back to work, so we didn't go out until Wednesday night after work to pick up some groceries at our new Giant Supermarket around the corner from the house. F.B. drove finally and he's been driving me to the train station and picking me up after work. His SSN card and Resident card came in the mail earlier this week.

We got Sushi and Baby Octopus Salad at Giant. The baby octopus weirded me out at first because they had heads. But they were actually really good in this spicy chili sauce. It was like a Bizarre Food's Episode, hehe. See you never know what you'll find even in your own supermarket! :-p

We made Shannon's veggie lasagna Wednesday night. We couldn't find medium zucchini's though so our "noodle" slices weren't very big so it turned out more like a casserole. It still tasted amazing though! We just had some leftovers for lunch today. So want to make this again, might add in some eggplant next time too. :-)

 Friday evening after work F.B. drove back up to Willow Grove Mall so we could get headphones we saw on sale last weekend. We were lucky they were still there. F.B. got noise canceling headphones and he bought me a pair of earphones that were marked down from $69.99 to $19.99. Hehe! The bass sounds really awesome on them!

We also had to pick up a new router because our old one kept shooting our internet signal out for two frustrating days. This time I got the 2 year Best Buy warranty on the new router for $14.

F.B. treated us to Arby's again for dinner. It's one of his new favorite fast food places in the USA. I only had the small fries and regular roast beef though. Their salads had more calories then just the regular roast beef sandwich! It's been a very busy two weeks! 

  1. I'm so happy for you guys!! I would feel so relieved and relaxed and like nothing could go wrong if my husband and I were finally reunited after so long. =)

  2. We ate a lot too when I first got here. I can tell you're very busy! Enjoy married life together and blogging can always wait.

  3. I am so happy for you two :0) There are many fun times ahead. Those food pictures have made me hungry!

  4. It sounds like you're settling into married life! I'm happy for you two! Now, how do I get my hands on some of that yummy looking cheesecake, lol?

  5. It's so nice to read about you doing stuff together! I'm sure its been an exciting two weeks! :)

  6. Seriously that cheescake thing. Holy Lordy. What I could do alone with that and a fork. Oh baby. Mmmm. Sorry about the noodles. I actually made mine in two smaller Pyrex so the noodles were the right size. I should have mentioned that. Glad the flavors were okay. I'm still stuck on the cheesecake and pretending I didn't see the octopus.


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