What you will need:
1. 16-20oz glass.
2. 8oz cup of hot instant coffee (I prefer Maxwell House.)
3. 3-4 packets of sweetener (I use Sweet & Low.)
4. Flavored Liquid Creamer. (Whichever flavor you prefer.) I usually use Coffee-Mate Hazelnut, Peppermint Mocha, or in this picture International Delight Hershey's Chocolate Caramel.
5. Ice (Obviously, lol!)

I fill my 16-20 Oz. cup with ice just a little under halfway. (See picture above). Then I add my liquid creamer to the top of the ice. I usually use 3-4 packets of sweetener. Double what I put in a normal cup of coffee.
You need more creamer and more sweetener for iced coffee, because the ice will dilute everything. That's the trick I discovered to good homemade iced coffee! (I don't prefer regular sugar because it is not as sweet as the sweetener.) Toss the sweetener in with the ice & creamer.
Make a 8oz cup of instant coffee. You will be pouring the hot coffee over the ice, creamer and sweetener. It will melt most of the ice, but once you stir your coffee it will be cold! Enjoy!