Spring 2010
Pictures I took Friday afternoon. We have a lot of flowers blooming around the yard right now.

And Basil in a tree. He looks like he's holding on for dear life from the angle, hehe.

11:16:00 PM
Long Distance Relationships
I don't know how you do it!
I have A LOT of people say to me, "You must be heart broken. I don't know how you bear being away from your husband now that you're married." My cousin & I were talking about this on Saturday....
F.B. & I have been in this long distance relationship for 6 years now. We had never seen a picture of each other when we started talking. We've settled into a pattern, a way of handling the long distance. We meet online every weekend. And every day on my lunch break he signs onto Yahoo Messenger so we can talk for a little while. Of course some days he may want to sleep in or I may want to, but we make it work. (12 hour time difference!)
When we are together we try not think about when we'll be apart. I think that is the worst... especially when we are together every day for 2 months. It's hard for the first week or so after I come back to the USA, but then we settle into our routine. Chatting online, phone calls, emails, letters...
We've been doing this so long now, that we are used to the long distance. We do miss each other and miss spending time with each other every day, (he is my best friend!) but we don't fall apart, sink into a depression, etc. It is a bit weird being married now and still living apart, but we make it work. Just like we have every day for the past 6 years. This is what we've known for so long, what we are familiar with. It is tough, but it's like 2nd nature to us. We've mastered this long distance relationship stuff!
I think what will be weirder is when F.B. is in the USA, when we're finally together. Getting used to living with each other every day, 365 days a year. It will be so nice to finally be together, but it will definitely be a big adjustment for both of us. Especially for F.B. moving to a new country and culture.

P.S. ♥♥♥ We've been married 4 months today! ♥♥♥
F.B. & I have been in this long distance relationship for 6 years now. We had never seen a picture of each other when we started talking. We've settled into a pattern, a way of handling the long distance. We meet online every weekend. And every day on my lunch break he signs onto Yahoo Messenger so we can talk for a little while. Of course some days he may want to sleep in or I may want to, but we make it work. (12 hour time difference!)
When we are together we try not think about when we'll be apart. I think that is the worst... especially when we are together every day for 2 months. It's hard for the first week or so after I come back to the USA, but then we settle into our routine. Chatting online, phone calls, emails, letters...
We've been doing this so long now, that we are used to the long distance. We do miss each other and miss spending time with each other every day, (he is my best friend!) but we don't fall apart, sink into a depression, etc. It is a bit weird being married now and still living apart, but we make it work. Just like we have every day for the past 6 years. This is what we've known for so long, what we are familiar with. It is tough, but it's like 2nd nature to us. We've mastered this long distance relationship stuff!
I think what will be weirder is when F.B. is in the USA, when we're finally together. Getting used to living with each other every day, 365 days a year. It will be so nice to finally be together, but it will definitely be a big adjustment for both of us. Especially for F.B. moving to a new country and culture.
6:18:00 PM
Tough weekend...
It's been a tough weekend so far. Sage getting ill around 11pm on Friday and passing away 5:30am Saturday. :( I didn't get much sleep that morning after Sage passed. Only about 4 hours. Basil was very quiet all day and was laying next to the towel I had wrapped Sage in when he was ill.
Basil resting near Sage's towel:
My cousin Jessica's 22nd birthday was on Wednesday. We had planned on getting together on Saturday and wanted to spend the day at Peddler's Village, but it was way too windy and cold. Our back up plan was to head to the King of Prussia Mall which is the biggest mall near Philadelphia. I've only been there about 4 times. It's so huge we never really get to see the whole mall.
But first, Jessica came along to help me pick out a new companion for Basil. Basil was very sad and quiet yesterday after Sage passed. I know it's soon but I don't want him to live alone. We went to Petsmart to look at boy rats. They had a wide variety of hooded boys, a white dumbo boy that was so lazy all he did was lay on his back. He was super cute, but way too lazy! They also had hairless rats! Or nakkies as we pet rat people call them! I've always wanted a nakkie!
I believe Basil might be older than I first thought- (he may already be a year old.) So I decided it might be a better idea to get two boys around the same age. I picked a brown hooded boy and I also got one of the nakkie rats. Oh my... nakkie rats are sooo soft, they are like velvet. They are also very very warm blooded! Both boys seem very mellow and friendly and haven't fought with each other.
Please meet Fennel & Barley! Fennel is my brown hooded boy. He is super curious and rambunctious. Barley is my hairless boy. He is very laid back and likes to cuddle and lay on your lap.

Ideally, I would like to be down to 4 girl rats and 2 boy rats. That seems like a good number. Currently I have 6 girls. Ginger is ill and her tumors are getting quite large. I won't be getting anymore girl rats until I am down to at least 3.
Right now Fennel & Barley are separated from Basil. I split the levels of their cage. But Basil was sniffing and climbing the walls of the cage trying to see the boys on the upstairs level!
After the pet store Jessica & I dropped the new boys off at my house. Then we headed to the King of Prussia Mall. We got there around 7pm, so we only had 2 hours before closing. I really wanted to check out the L'Occitane store, it's the only one near me! I was so excited to visit the store and smell some of their other products. I ended up getting a verbena hand lotion and the soap with verbena leaves. I also got a honey & lemon lip gloss.
After shopping, Jessica & I stopped at Starbucks. I finally gave in and tried the dark cherry mocha coffee. I actually loved it. It tastes like a chocolate covered cherry! We also tried their chocolate bloom cupcakes and they are heaven!

Basil resting near Sage's towel:

But first, Jessica came along to help me pick out a new companion for Basil. Basil was very sad and quiet yesterday after Sage passed. I know it's soon but I don't want him to live alone. We went to Petsmart to look at boy rats. They had a wide variety of hooded boys, a white dumbo boy that was so lazy all he did was lay on his back. He was super cute, but way too lazy! They also had hairless rats! Or nakkies as we pet rat people call them! I've always wanted a nakkie!
I believe Basil might be older than I first thought- (he may already be a year old.) So I decided it might be a better idea to get two boys around the same age. I picked a brown hooded boy and I also got one of the nakkie rats. Oh my... nakkie rats are sooo soft, they are like velvet. They are also very very warm blooded! Both boys seem very mellow and friendly and haven't fought with each other.
Please meet Fennel & Barley! Fennel is my brown hooded boy. He is super curious and rambunctious. Barley is my hairless boy. He is very laid back and likes to cuddle and lay on your lap.
Right now Fennel & Barley are separated from Basil. I split the levels of their cage. But Basil was sniffing and climbing the walls of the cage trying to see the boys on the upstairs level!
After the pet store Jessica & I dropped the new boys off at my house. Then we headed to the King of Prussia Mall. We got there around 7pm, so we only had 2 hours before closing. I really wanted to check out the L'Occitane store, it's the only one near me! I was so excited to visit the store and smell some of their other products. I ended up getting a verbena hand lotion and the soap with verbena leaves. I also got a honey & lemon lip gloss.
After shopping, Jessica & I stopped at Starbucks. I finally gave in and tried the dark cherry mocha coffee. I actually loved it. It tastes like a chocolate covered cherry! We also tried their chocolate bloom cupcakes and they are heaven!
12:43:00 PM
Rainbow Bridge
This is so sad... I only owned Sage for about a month. He was fine yesterday afternoon, he ate dinner with his brother had a yogie. By 11pm he wasn't doing so well. He was cold to the touch we tried warming him up with a heating pad, giving him Ensure. I kept him wrapped in a baby blanket with me all night. Around 5am I woke up to check on him, his breathing was very labored. I tried putting him back in the cage with his brother Basil, but he would just lay in one spot and wouldn't or couldn't climb the ramp in the cage to the 2nd level. I brought him back on the bed with me and was going to call the vet around 9am to bring him over but he passed away around 5:30-6am... I'm not sure why. I don't know how old Sage was maybe around 7 months- maybe older. He also had a small abcess on him, and maybe that contributed... but I'm really upset and sad... I only had my boy a month, I didn't get so many pictures of him, he didn't get to go to the park with me. Basil lost his brother, he did say goodbye to Sage after he passed. He sniffed and licked at his face... this is just heartbreaking though.... so sudden...
Goodbye Sage....
Edited to add: It always amazes me how other rats grieve, how they know their buddy has passed. Basil is a crazy man he never sits still wants to constantly try to get on the floor. After Sage passed and Basil said his goodbye's this morning. Basil just lay quietly next to me, he was laying on the towel I had wrapped Sage in earlier. Ugh... I didn't expect to say goodbye to one of my 1st boy rats so very soon...
Sage: 2009- April 2010

Goodbye Sage....
Edited to add: It always amazes me how other rats grieve, how they know their buddy has passed. Basil is a crazy man he never sits still wants to constantly try to get on the floor. After Sage passed and Basil said his goodbye's this morning. Basil just lay quietly next to me, he was laying on the towel I had wrapped Sage in earlier. Ugh... I didn't expect to say goodbye to one of my 1st boy rats so very soon...
7:00:00 AM
Immigration Process
Long Distance Relationships
The Waiting Game...
I haven't posted about our immigration process in a few months, because right now it is a waiting game. We did receive our I-130 receipt back in February.
But... it is going to be 3-5 months before are able to move to the next step. We are waiting for the USCIS to make a determination on our I-130. From there they will forward our application to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire and then the NVC will send a packet with instructions to complete our I-864. Hopefully by May or July we will hear from them.

---Our Immigration Steps & Process---
What is this mess? It is all the documentation of our relationship. Copies of all the letters I've sent to F.B. & all the letter's he has sent to me from 2004-current. Copies of plane ticket stubs, receipts, income tax returns, photos with F.B.'s family. Pretty much everything we will need when we prepare the rest of our paperwork with our immigration lawyer.
I'm almost done making copies. All that's left now is the trip journals F.B. gave me from the past 4 trips I've been to the Philippines. I've gotten 2 of those copied. So, that is the updated news for now! Until we hear from the NVC, our immigration process right now is a waiting game...
NOTE: Our lawyers Peter J. Gonzales & Shanna Stanton have changed firms. They are no longer with Kahiga Tiagha. They are now with Green and Spiegel LLC, but still located in Philadelphia.
But... it is going to be 3-5 months before are able to move to the next step. We are waiting for the USCIS to make a determination on our I-130. From there they will forward our application to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire and then the NVC will send a packet with instructions to complete our I-864. Hopefully by May or July we will hear from them.

I'm almost done making copies. All that's left now is the trip journals F.B. gave me from the past 4 trips I've been to the Philippines. I've gotten 2 of those copied. So, that is the updated news for now! Until we hear from the NVC, our immigration process right now is a waiting game...
NOTE: Our lawyers Peter J. Gonzales & Shanna Stanton have changed firms. They are no longer with Kahiga Tiagha. They are now with Green and Spiegel LLC, but still located in Philadelphia.
5:31:00 PM
Jennifer Weiner's Books
I devour books. It started when I was about 3-4 years old and couldn't sleep at night. My parents would give me a stack of Golden Books and tell me to read until I felt sleepy. I still read every night and I read even more on the weekend. I own a lot of books as evidenced by my brand new bookshelf. (You can view some of my library collection on
I mostly tend to read historical fiction or non fiction. Anything about the Tudor Dynasty, I probably own. Fiction & Non Fiction! But I also like regular fiction. I'm always looking for a new book to read. I've been taking out around 5-7 books from the library every 3 weeks or so. I actually have to pick up some books on Thursday from the library!
Last summer when I was looking for some new authors to read, my cousins told me about Jennifer Weiner, I've taken every one of her books out that my library has. They are just really well written, funny and not too tacky or sappy for chick-lit. Plus most of her books take place in Philadelphia. And I'm a Philly girl! :-D
I thought I'd share with you all my favorites of her books!
Good in Bed
This was the first book of Jennifer Weiner's I read and I really loved it. Plus since Cannie is actually a real girl struggling with her weight, body image, etc it makes it more relatable. You really want to root her on in the book throughout her struggles and trumphs!
Certain Girls
This is the sequel to Good in Bed. I really like this one, because the story is told from the perspective of Cannie and also of her 12 year old daughter Joy. The ending though... I won't ruin- but it definitely shocked me and wasn't what I expected.
3. Best Friends Forever
I bought this when I was in the Philippines this past year. I really like the descriptions/details in the story. And how different Addie & Valerie are.
4. In Her Shoes
I really want to buy this one. I'm taking it out of the library again this week. I also heard it was made into a movie- but the movie wasn't anything like the book and wasn't so good. The book is really good. The two sisters couldn't be more different from each other, but they really do need each other.
I definitely recommend Jennifer Weiner's books if you're looking for a new book to read! Or if you have read some of her books, which is your favorite?
I mostly tend to read historical fiction or non fiction. Anything about the Tudor Dynasty, I probably own. Fiction & Non Fiction! But I also like regular fiction. I'm always looking for a new book to read. I've been taking out around 5-7 books from the library every 3 weeks or so. I actually have to pick up some books on Thursday from the library!
Last summer when I was looking for some new authors to read, my cousins told me about Jennifer Weiner, I've taken every one of her books out that my library has. They are just really well written, funny and not too tacky or sappy for chick-lit. Plus most of her books take place in Philadelphia. And I'm a Philly girl! :-D
I thought I'd share with you all my favorites of her books!
Good in Bed
This was the first book of Jennifer Weiner's I read and I really loved it. Plus since Cannie is actually a real girl struggling with her weight, body image, etc it makes it more relatable. You really want to root her on in the book throughout her struggles and trumphs!
Certain Girls
This is the sequel to Good in Bed. I really like this one, because the story is told from the perspective of Cannie and also of her 12 year old daughter Joy. The ending though... I won't ruin- but it definitely shocked me and wasn't what I expected.
3. Best Friends Forever
I bought this when I was in the Philippines this past year. I really like the descriptions/details in the story. And how different Addie & Valerie are.
4. In Her Shoes
I really want to buy this one. I'm taking it out of the library again this week. I also heard it was made into a movie- but the movie wasn't anything like the book and wasn't so good. The book is really good. The two sisters couldn't be more different from each other, but they really do need each other.
I definitely recommend Jennifer Weiner's books if you're looking for a new book to read! Or if you have read some of her books, which is your favorite?
5:09:00 PM
This year World Rat Day falls on Easter!
Here are the boys & girls celebrating Easter and sharing a Peep!
Happy Easter Everyone!
P.S. The Rat Chatter Forums is holding a themed photo contest with 3 prize packages! Deadline is April 23rd! Click here for details!
Happy Easter & World Rat Day!

Here are the boys & girls celebrating Easter and sharing a Peep!
Happy Easter Everyone!
P.S. The Rat Chatter Forums is holding a themed photo contest with 3 prize packages! Deadline is April 23rd! Click here for details!
7:39:00 PM

Easter Cupcakes with the best homemade vanilla frosting you ever tasted! Seriously with two sticks of butter & a cup of sugar no wonder! This frosting is amazing!!! I used Duncan Hines moist deluxe white cake mix for the cupcakes. And the cute Easter sprinkles are from Safeway/Genuardi's.
Easter Cupcakes!
8:47:00 PM
Immigration Process
The Beginning
Our Time Line.
I made a timeline of my relationship with F.B. over the years. Our relationship hasn't been the typical one, but it's been an amazing experience & adventure so far and more to come in the future.
September 2003: Crossed paths online at Lindsay Fan's Forum. (Lindsay Lohan.)
✯ 2004 ✯
January 2004: Began talking at Lindsay Fan's Forum.
February 14th 2004: First "Valentines" Together. F.B. sent me a picture of roses through a pm message.
March 18th, 2004: First emails exchanged outside the forum.
March, 2004: F.B. saw a photo of me for the very first time.
April 1st, 2004: The first time we ever said, "I love you.", and defined our relationship as a couple.
April 2004: Exchanged Addresses & Phone Numbers. We called each other & sent letters that month. The Lindsay Fan forum closed. We also broke up for about a week or so because of stress, family issues & distance…
June, 2004: I saw F.B.'s photo for the very first time.
✯ 2005 ✯
February 14th 2005: Our first "official" Valentines together as a couple.
April 1st, 2005: Our 1st Anniversary.
✯ 2006 ✯
January, 2006: We nearly broke up again. Long distance is so hard sometimes…
February 14th, 2006: Technically our 3rd Valentines Day together.
March 17th, 2006: I bought my 1st plane ticket for the Philippines.
April 1st, 2006: Our 2nd Anniversary.
December 13th, 2006: I left for the Philippines.
December 14th, 2006: The first time we met. The first time we looked in each other's eyes. The first time we hugged & held hands.
December 15th, 2006: The first time we kissed. Our first date out to the mall- we ate at 'Tokyo Tokyo' for Japanese food. Our first movie, 'Happy Feet'. First time we "made out" at the movies- (cuddling & holding hands.)
December 18th-21st, 2006: Our first couple vacation together in Makati City. Our first kiss in public outside on the bench in Greenbelt.
December 25th, 2006: The First Christmas we spent together. F.B. gave me the ring for Christmas that would become my engagement ring.
December 27-29th, 2006: We took another couple vacation to Tagaytay City, Philippines.
✯ 2007 ✯
January 1st, 2007: Our first New Years together.
January 3rd, 2007: I had to leave the Philippines to go home… that was the hardest thing I ever did… (I miss you baby).
January 10th, 2007: The day we got engaged!
April 1st, 2007: Our 3rd Anniversary.
March 2007: Bought my plane ticket for the Philippines!
✯ 2008 ✯
January 2nd, 2008: I left for the Philippines.
January 3rd, 2008: I arrive in the Philippines.
January 7th, 2008: We arrive in Makati City to spend a week. (A special date for us that we won't forget.)
January 10th, 2008: We share our 1 year engagement anniversary together in Makati City and get to go to Saisaki buffet.
January 11th, 2008: We see our first play together at Greenbelt in Makati City. 'Tuesday's with Morrie'
January 20th, 2008: We went to see a Philippine Basketball Game together at the Cuneta Astrodome. Our first sports game together.
January 24th, 2008: I return home from the Philippines.
March 10th, 2008: I buy another ticket to the Philippines. Staying 8 weeks this time!
April 1st, 2008: Our 4th Anniversary.
October 6th, 2008: I leave for the Philippines for an 8 week stay.
October 7th, 2008: I arrive in Philippines. F.B. gives me a red rose.
October 9th, 2008: I get to spend F.B.'s birthday with him and his family. Saisaki Buffet!
November 16th, 2008: For F.B.'s dad's birthday we take a family trip to Baguio for the day.
November 27th, 2008: I celebrate "Thanksgiving" in the Philippines with F.B.
December 4th, 2008: I arrive home from the Philippines
✯ 2009 ✯
January 10th, 2009: Our 2 year engagement.
April 1st, 2009: Our 5 year anniversary.
November 24, 2009: I leave for the Philippines
December 19, 2009: F.B. & I were married!
December 19th-21st 2009: Our Honeymoon!
December 25th, 2009: Our first Christmas as a married couple.
✯ 2010 ✯
January 1st, 2010: Our First New Years, married!
January 19th, 2010: Our 1st Monthiversary!
January 23rd, 2010: I leave the Philippines.
April 1st, 2010: Our 6 year anniversary!
✯ 2011 ✯
February 4th, 2011: F.B.'s visa interview at the US Embassy in Manila. His visa is approved to come to the USA!
March 6th, 2011: F.B. arrived in Philadelphia, PA!
April 1st, 2011: Seven Year Anniversary!
July 4th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st Independence Day in the USA
Aug 31st- Sept 1st, 2011: Our Philadelphia Getaway
September 4th, 2011: The 1st birthday F.B. spent with me.
October 9th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st birthday in the USA
October 30th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st Halloween in the USA
December 9th, 2011: F.B. & I get our own place.
December 19th, 2011: 2 Year anniversary!
December 25th, 2011: 1st Christmas in the USA.
✯ 2012 ✯
January 1st, 2012: 1st New Years in the USA.
February 14th, 2012: Our 1st Valentines Day together!
March 6th, 2012: F.B.'s 1 year anniversary in the USA
April 1st, 2012: 8 year anniversary!
October 9th, 2012: F.B.'s 2nd birthday in the USA.
November 2012: 1st Thanksgiving in our new place & starting immigration again.
December 19th, 2012: Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary
December 25th 2012: 2nd Christmas in our apartment.
✯ 2013 ✯
January 2013: 2nd New Years Eve in our apartment.
March 6th, 2013: F.B.'s 2 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2013: It's been 9 years since F.B. & I started dating.
May 2013: Immigration is finished!
October 9th, 2013: F.B.'s 3rd birthday in the USA.
December 19th, 2013: Our 4th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2014 ✯
January 2014: 3rd New Years Eve in our apartment.
March 6th, 2014: F.B.'s 3 year anniversary in the USA.
(I'll try to keep this up to date by adding in new things from time to time.)

✯ Our Timeline: F.B. & Sarah ✯
✯ 2003 ✯September 2003: Crossed paths online at Lindsay Fan's Forum. (Lindsay Lohan.)
✯ 2004 ✯
January 2004: Began talking at Lindsay Fan's Forum.
February 14th 2004: First "Valentines" Together. F.B. sent me a picture of roses through a pm message.
March 18th, 2004: First emails exchanged outside the forum.
March, 2004: F.B. saw a photo of me for the very first time.
April 1st, 2004: The first time we ever said, "I love you.", and defined our relationship as a couple.
April 2004: Exchanged Addresses & Phone Numbers. We called each other & sent letters that month. The Lindsay Fan forum closed. We also broke up for about a week or so because of stress, family issues & distance…
June, 2004: I saw F.B.'s photo for the very first time.
✯ 2005 ✯
February 14th 2005: Our first "official" Valentines together as a couple.
April 1st, 2005: Our 1st Anniversary.
✯ 2006 ✯
January, 2006: We nearly broke up again. Long distance is so hard sometimes…
February 14th, 2006: Technically our 3rd Valentines Day together.
March 17th, 2006: I bought my 1st plane ticket for the Philippines.
April 1st, 2006: Our 2nd Anniversary.
December 13th, 2006: I left for the Philippines.
December 14th, 2006: The first time we met. The first time we looked in each other's eyes. The first time we hugged & held hands.
December 15th, 2006: The first time we kissed. Our first date out to the mall- we ate at 'Tokyo Tokyo' for Japanese food. Our first movie, 'Happy Feet'. First time we "made out" at the movies- (cuddling & holding hands.)
December 18th-21st, 2006: Our first couple vacation together in Makati City. Our first kiss in public outside on the bench in Greenbelt.
December 25th, 2006: The First Christmas we spent together. F.B. gave me the ring for Christmas that would become my engagement ring.
December 27-29th, 2006: We took another couple vacation to Tagaytay City, Philippines.
✯ 2007 ✯
January 1st, 2007: Our first New Years together.
January 3rd, 2007: I had to leave the Philippines to go home… that was the hardest thing I ever did… (I miss you baby).
January 10th, 2007: The day we got engaged!
April 1st, 2007: Our 3rd Anniversary.
March 2007: Bought my plane ticket for the Philippines!
✯ 2008 ✯
January 2nd, 2008: I left for the Philippines.
January 3rd, 2008: I arrive in the Philippines.
January 7th, 2008: We arrive in Makati City to spend a week. (A special date for us that we won't forget.)
January 10th, 2008: We share our 1 year engagement anniversary together in Makati City and get to go to Saisaki buffet.
January 11th, 2008: We see our first play together at Greenbelt in Makati City. 'Tuesday's with Morrie'
January 20th, 2008: We went to see a Philippine Basketball Game together at the Cuneta Astrodome. Our first sports game together.
January 24th, 2008: I return home from the Philippines.
March 10th, 2008: I buy another ticket to the Philippines. Staying 8 weeks this time!
April 1st, 2008: Our 4th Anniversary.
October 6th, 2008: I leave for the Philippines for an 8 week stay.
October 7th, 2008: I arrive in Philippines. F.B. gives me a red rose.
October 9th, 2008: I get to spend F.B.'s birthday with him and his family. Saisaki Buffet!
November 16th, 2008: For F.B.'s dad's birthday we take a family trip to Baguio for the day.
November 27th, 2008: I celebrate "Thanksgiving" in the Philippines with F.B.
December 4th, 2008: I arrive home from the Philippines
✯ 2009 ✯
January 10th, 2009: Our 2 year engagement.
April 1st, 2009: Our 5 year anniversary.
November 24, 2009: I leave for the Philippines
December 19, 2009: F.B. & I were married!
December 19th-21st 2009: Our Honeymoon!
December 25th, 2009: Our first Christmas as a married couple.
✯ 2010 ✯
January 1st, 2010: Our First New Years, married!
January 19th, 2010: Our 1st Monthiversary!
January 23rd, 2010: I leave the Philippines.
April 1st, 2010: Our 6 year anniversary!
✯ 2011 ✯
February 4th, 2011: F.B.'s visa interview at the US Embassy in Manila. His visa is approved to come to the USA!
March 6th, 2011: F.B. arrived in Philadelphia, PA!
April 1st, 2011: Seven Year Anniversary!
July 4th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st Independence Day in the USA
Aug 31st- Sept 1st, 2011: Our Philadelphia Getaway
September 4th, 2011: The 1st birthday F.B. spent with me.
October 9th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st birthday in the USA
October 30th, 2011: F.B.'s 1st Halloween in the USA
December 9th, 2011: F.B. & I get our own place.
December 19th, 2011: 2 Year anniversary!
December 25th, 2011: 1st Christmas in the USA.
✯ 2012 ✯
January 1st, 2012: 1st New Years in the USA.
February 14th, 2012: Our 1st Valentines Day together!
March 6th, 2012: F.B.'s 1 year anniversary in the USA
April 1st, 2012: 8 year anniversary!
October 9th, 2012: F.B.'s 2nd birthday in the USA.
November 2012: 1st Thanksgiving in our new place & starting immigration again.
December 19th, 2012: Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary
December 25th 2012: 2nd Christmas in our apartment.
✯ 2013 ✯
January 2013: 2nd New Years Eve in our apartment.
March 6th, 2013: F.B.'s 2 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2013: It's been 9 years since F.B. & I started dating.
May 2013: Immigration is finished!
December 19th, 2013: Our 4th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2014 ✯
January 2014: 3rd New Years Eve in our apartment.
March 6th, 2014: F.B.'s 3 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2014: It's been 10 years since F.B. & I started dating!
December 19th, 2014: Our 5th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2015 ✯
March 6th, 2015: F.B.'s 4 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2015: It's been 11 years since F.B. & I started dating!
December 19th, 2015: Our 6th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2016 ✯
March 6th, 2016: F.B.'s 5 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2016: It's been 12 years since F.B. & I started dating!
December 19th, 2016: Our 7th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2017 ✯
March 6th, 2017: F.B.'s 6 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2017: It's been 13 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 8th Wedding Anniversary
December 19th, 2014: Our 5th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2015 ✯
March 6th, 2015: F.B.'s 4 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2015: It's been 11 years since F.B. & I started dating!
December 19th, 2015: Our 6th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2016 ✯
March 6th, 2016: F.B.'s 5 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2016: It's been 12 years since F.B. & I started dating!
December 19th, 2016: Our 7th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2017 ✯
March 6th, 2017: F.B.'s 6 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2017: It's been 13 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 8th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2018 ✯
March 6th, 2018: F.B.'s 7 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2018: It's been 14 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 9th Wedding Anniversary
April 1st 2018: It's been 14 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 9th Wedding Anniversary
✯ 2019 ✯
March 6th, 2018: F.B.'s 8 year anniversary in the USA.
April 1st 2018: It's been 15 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 10th Wedding Anniversary!
April 1st 2018: It's been 15 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2017: Our 10th Wedding Anniversary!
✯ 2020 ✯
March 6th, 2020: F.B.'s 9 year anniversary in the USA.
March, 15th, 2020: Filed N-400 with USCIS to begin F.B.'s naturalization process!
April 1st 2020: It's been 16 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2020: Our 11th Wedding Anniversary!
April 1st 2020: It's been 16 years since F.B. & I started dating.
December 19th, 2020: Our 11th Wedding Anniversary!
(I'll try to keep this up to date by adding in new things from time to time.)
5:10:00 PM
Long Distance Relationships
Thursday, March 18, 2004:
I cannot forget
Refuse to regret
So glad I met you
Take my breath away
Make everyday
Worth all of the pain
I have gone through
Those are lines from another Maroon5 song- "The Sun". It's pretty straightforward really- I'm glad that I got the chance to know you, Sarah.....Well, that's my junk mail. See ya.
Maroon 5's album 'Songs About Jane' was one of the albums F.B. & I listened to back in 2004 when we started our relationship.
(Song Preview Here.)
April 1st, 2004:
I've never seen You
And yet I know You're beautiful
I've never spoken to You
And yet I feel that I can tell You anything
I've only known You for awhile
And yet I trust every word You say
I've never met You
And yet I feel that I've known You all my life
I've never been anywhere close to You
And yet I feel You here with me
I ask myself
Perhaps it's because
I Love You
Sarah: Aw, did you write that last night, or did you write it up after you saw mine? lol. I wrote my poem/thoughts whatever last night before I went to bed. It was one of those times, where I needed to get my thoughts out. When I read your poem, I apply it to you F. Right down to the last line.
F.B: I'm glad you like it. I actually wrote that 2 nights ago but I wasn't sure of posting it cuz you might think I'm some psycho freak. LoL!
Sarah: I think you're the opposite of a psycho freak. You're just a freak. I'm kidding, kidding F! And I think I do love ya.
F.B: WOW! Ya think?.....I know I love ya, Sarah.
Sarah: Well, I guess I say I 'think' I love you. Because, the way I grew up, love was like- two neighbors or friends, falling in love and getting married. And that's what I thought would happen to me. But I don't know... maybe that's not what God has planned. I've never met you F. I've never seen your interactions, or expressions, looked into your eyes, or even heard your voice. But I do know your personality, thoughts, emotion's, and heart. And I know I love you when it comes to that. Ack... holy crap. I said those three little words! Love you much.
F.B.: Gotta go now, Sarah. Good night. I love you too.
Sarah: By the way, you do realize it's April Fools day? Are we a couple of fools? LOL! Take care, sweet dreams. I love you.
F.B: Fools in love.....perhaps. LoL! Love you.
Six years ago today F.B. & I took a huge risk. April 1st, 2004 was the 1st time we told each other "I love you." The day we defined our relationship. This is a big step for any relationship, but our relationship was a little different. We had never seen each other in person or spoken to each other on the phone when we took that risk. We met each other online in Sept/Oct 2003. We weren't looking for a relationship, it just sort of happened... and 6 years later here we are, married working on our immigration process and working towards being together in one place for good!
To read our story see: The Beginning. (Click Newer Posts at the bottom to work your way up.)
This video below was from our wedding reception. We had a giveaway at the reception. Whoever guessed the date we started our relationship, won the prize. No one outright guessed it was April Fools Day! (The closest guess won.) F.B. and I crack up because in the video his uncle comes running up to our table and you can hear him say, "April 1?!" like he can't believe it was on April Fools Day! Heehee!
6 Years!

I cannot forget
Refuse to regret
So glad I met you
Take my breath away
Make everyday
Worth all of the pain
I have gone through
Those are lines from another Maroon5 song- "The Sun". It's pretty straightforward really- I'm glad that I got the chance to know you, Sarah.....Well, that's my junk mail. See ya.
Maroon 5's album 'Songs About Jane' was one of the albums F.B. & I listened to back in 2004 when we started our relationship.
(Song Preview Here.)
April 1st, 2004:
I've never seen You
And yet I know You're beautiful
I've never spoken to You
And yet I feel that I can tell You anything
I've only known You for awhile
And yet I trust every word You say
I've never met You
And yet I feel that I've known You all my life
I've never been anywhere close to You
And yet I feel You here with me
I ask myself
Perhaps it's because
I Love You
Sarah: Aw, did you write that last night, or did you write it up after you saw mine? lol. I wrote my poem/thoughts whatever last night before I went to bed. It was one of those times, where I needed to get my thoughts out. When I read your poem, I apply it to you F. Right down to the last line.
F.B: I'm glad you like it. I actually wrote that 2 nights ago but I wasn't sure of posting it cuz you might think I'm some psycho freak. LoL!
Sarah: I think you're the opposite of a psycho freak. You're just a freak. I'm kidding, kidding F! And I think I do love ya.
F.B: WOW! Ya think?.....I know I love ya, Sarah.
Sarah: Well, I guess I say I 'think' I love you. Because, the way I grew up, love was like- two neighbors or friends, falling in love and getting married. And that's what I thought would happen to me. But I don't know... maybe that's not what God has planned. I've never met you F. I've never seen your interactions, or expressions, looked into your eyes, or even heard your voice. But I do know your personality, thoughts, emotion's, and heart. And I know I love you when it comes to that. Ack... holy crap. I said those three little words! Love you much.
F.B.: Gotta go now, Sarah. Good night. I love you too.
Sarah: By the way, you do realize it's April Fools day? Are we a couple of fools? LOL! Take care, sweet dreams. I love you.
F.B: Fools in love.....perhaps. LoL! Love you.

To read our story see: The Beginning. (Click Newer Posts at the bottom to work your way up.)
This video below was from our wedding reception. We had a giveaway at the reception. Whoever guessed the date we started our relationship, won the prize. No one outright guessed it was April Fools Day! (The closest guess won.) F.B. and I crack up because in the video his uncle comes running up to our table and you can hear him say, "April 1?!" like he can't believe it was on April Fools Day! Heehee!
12:00:00 AM